Friday 20 August 2010

Final Project-Food Community

One day I was cooking, I found the pattern amazingly beautiful thus I chose food as my topic.

In oxford dictionary, food means: any nutritious substance that people or animals eat or drink, or that plants absorb, in order to maintain life and growth.
I did a mapping on what I though of food.

While doing the research, I also had theoretical reading.

Food Design XL

Food and Love

Create-eating,design and future food

Album, an annual on design and material culture-edited by Mario Bellini. No.1,1981 Eating as design

the practice of everyday life volume 2- living and cooking

Food in Chinese Culture

Food waste facts

Food import

Food Meters

Food a visual history

Food nutrition

Food consumption

Food architecture

Food culture
You are what you eat

Dining custom UK VS. China


Food Campaign


I asked around 50 people about what they think of food.

Regain food's extraordinary ability of communication
food as an agency, a entering point for local community to promote better interpersonal relationships

Community research

typical lifestyle-based on interviews

Local Questionnaire


story board


Mock up



How can people be motivated to communicate more?

Six social media spaces

Secret Spaces
Behaviors: Private, intimate communication, normally with only one or two others, often using private references, slang or code
Expectations: Absolute privacy and control over the communication between users, and no unauthorized communication from third parties (eg spam)
Examples: SMS, IM

Group Spaces
Behaviors: Reinforcing the identity of a self-defined group, and your position within the group, e.g ‘stroking‘ behavior to let the group share a sense of belonging, or mild competitiveness to signal hierarchies within the group (e.g who has the most friends, posts, tags, etc)
Expectations: A shared reference point for the group – e.g a band, football club, school, workplace, region, etc. Rules about approving membership of the group, and icons for the group to signal their membership (badges, profiles, etc)
Examples: Face book, My space, Bebo, etc

Publishing Spaces
Behaviors: Creating your own content or showcasing your talents to an audience outside of your usual social group
Expectations: The ability to control the context and presentation of your creative content. Ways to receive feedback, comments and advice from other users.
Examples: Flickr, Youtube, Revver, etc

Performing Spaces
Behaviors: Playing a defined role within a game structure. Experimenting through simulation, rehearsal and teamwork to achieve a goal. Iterative exploration or repetition of activities in order to perfect their performance
Expectations: A clear set of rules that is understood by all players. Clear rewards for success or failure. The ability to test the boundaries of the game structure, or to perform extravagantly to show off your talents
Examples: MMORPGs, Sports, Drama

Participation Spaces
Behaviors: Co-ordination of lots of small individual acts to achieve a common goal. Shared belief in the goal, and advocacy to encourage participation by others.
Expectations: Rules or structures that help co-ordinate activity towards the goal. The ability to create micro-communities within larger participation groups – eg a group of friends going on a political march together, or a workplace group created to train for a marathon
Examples: Meet up, Thread less, Cambrian, My Society

Watching Spaces
Behaviors: Passive viewing of a linear event as part of a large group. Organizing a group to attend an event, and sharing experiences afterward
Expectations: Spectacle, entertainment, a feeling of thrill or joy. A shared sense of occasion, or of being taking out of your everyday existence for the duration of the event. Mementos or relics of the event (e.g programs, tickets, recordings, photos, etc)
Examples: Television, Cinema, Sports, Theater, etc.

Props-Communicable Napkin


Food Community enables people to be united by means of inspiring cultural food events. It regains ancient food rituals and encourages people to explore and connect with neighbors by means of food and culture that people are not familiar with. By providing inspiring cultural food experiences, people can not only learn different food making techniques, but also get the conception of how food can transmit culture. It builds meaningful connections across cultures within community, and enables people to respond to cultural diversity with curiosity, appreciation and respects.

Thursday 6 May 2010


Design Brief
good way to explore what interests you and what do you want to change and design out

After understanding the brief and some reading/research, it’s time to establish your own brief, more specific and detailed.

Literature Reading
a good pathway to understand a theme in details

a method accompanying the whole design process. One reads books on the field which he is interested in and finds details which he may neglect or ignored and thus help generated the design idea better.

Ideation Drawing
brings out imaginative possibilities and helps to think wilder which opens up the way of not only drawing but also mind

left hand

right hand

finger move

wrest move

elbow move

one project

From left to right-how can a screwdriver turn into a pliers

what an object do at night

my dream place: my personal car park where I have all labels cars and a helicopter, a fountain as well

Environmental Behavior
analyze/detect the beneath truth after collecting evidences by looking at physical environments/traces. However, you need to be quick since traces are sometimes easy to be removed

Public Message
Along the corridors of RHB, many posters can be observed while in other locations there is less. There are official files like the time schedule for lectures as well as ads like housemate wanted/exchange/new activities flyers. These places are supposed to display information. And you can also get an answer that more people would take this path.

Displays of self:
In toilets, either in RHB or library, you can see all kinds of tattoo. Some drawings are really interesting. People use the toilets wall as a place to share their ideas (though it is not good for the facilities).I don't know if it is because they can do it more easily in toilets since no one will see and judge or even fine. But in library ground floor there are more tattoos than in the upper floor. Maybe more people use toilets in ground floor?

Adaptation for use:
You can see from this photo on the left side, there is a dog thinking of climbing the ladder to reach the window, also the paper with the human face and girl with mouth biting something. It’s quite nice to see the drawer combine the props along with her art work.

useful if one wants to collect data of people’s behavior and its relationship to the environment; reorganize ideas; I also used this method in the TAZ and Space of Production project.

I observed neat the RHB café and tried to draw people’s path after they get refreshments and the proportions of amount of people going to bookshop compared to café. I used cups to present people having coffee/tea and circles as pass by.

Storytelling like a movie preview. used in a group condition where more imagination happen and errors can be easily found out and fixed. Give the user a general idea and be more excited to explore the narratives. Imagining what it would be like if the product (design) existed, and act as though it exists, ideally in the place it would be used, the method helps to evaluate the design and to adjust and explore future usages.

In this session, we stand in a line according to height and then form a group of six people. Then we designed a fictional film scripts. Afterward, we outlined the story and picked one pivot scene(5 mins) from the movie and played it out. Our movie is a traditional American story with family, murders, affairs and psychological people. This method is called Body Storming, similar to brainstorming but with physical actions.

Cultural Probe
working as a group to know better ways of present things and inspired by each other. I also used the sound recording method in Space of Production project.

In Cultural Probe-living room & activities, four people work in a group to think of present the living room and the activities inside it. Layout designs using logos, stickers to indentify favorite places, events photos, color choose, sound recording, I have this table.

poetic research method can be come from ‘hunch’ searching while conventional method focuses on research, more scientific based. Helps knowledge on the differences of scientists and designers’ ways of exploring and helps to understand design process better

We are asked to detail: What is hunch? Hunch is a intuition getting out of a sudden while afterwards more are still needed to be explored in a more search way.

Dynamic Description
help to know different ways of doing a thing and how one’s preconception could lead into a wrong way.

In Dynamic Description, two people work in a pair: one people acts while the other draws what he is doing.

Objects in Performance
an accident way of generating the relationships of two objects. When putting together, the normal view can be challenged. When idea stuck, this way can bring out former things new life. It is not a overall thinking like the thinking things model while all aspects are viewed and made connections but it is still an interesting way to see things.

This installation Objects in Performance reinterprets the ‘Cabinet of Curiosities’ in a contemporary vein, exchanging the scientific taxonomy of museum displays for a theatrical staging of the objects, offering us an alternative basis for their interpretation and appreciation. I put the indigenous below seeing the totem with his hands hanging around his head. For the indigenous: What he is doing now? Is he doing a religious activity during a ceremony? Or is the man a bad guy since totem feels very shining that he feels himself guilty? For totem: Is the guy just a god over viewing the commons? Or the god smile wickedly showing no mercy of the lives of commons?

Site Exploration
helps people explore the chosen place. It is always more alluring when you give people little hints and set a task to fulfill than to explain the details by yourself. It’s like the objective studying VS passive studying. While people have more fun and achievements when they find the answers themselves and think they are the one who know most.

the Origami

folded book

the hyper wheel

Cuttlefish Modeling
a whole new way of modeling techniques. Interesting and easily approachable

In Martin’s lectured, we leaned a new way of modeling, usually used for jewelry, the Cuttlefish Modeling.

Thinking Things
It is a process model which helps one to identify ideas clearly and think about the relationships when ideas stuck. The top label, here ethic, can be replaced by anything that one thinks to be top important. One can makes own thinking things model according to different design objects.

Thinking Things is a 3d model which has different aspects as time, space, people, ethic, etc. Link the string between two specific items, e.g. material and time. Then one draws and acts thing in sketch to explore potentials.

Diffusion EBook
A good tool to publish and communicate ideas to each other